I have two finishes and finally got a couple of pictures to prove it.
My 5-inch D4P (disappearing four-patch) baby quilt is DONE! I conquered the bias binding so I could get the stripe like I wanted it. It looks like a stick of juicy fruit gum!
I recently taught a class on QAYG (Quilt As You Go) at my quilting group and made this little table runner to teach the technique.
Side 1 |
Side 2 |
It was funny. I was looking up a pattern for someone else in the group and found an article by my favorite author of QAYG techniques in the exact same magazine.
The article was found in Quiltmaker July/August 2003, No. 92, beginning on page 58. The article was called "Turning the Tables" by Sharon Pederson.
So I made the runner along with my students to show the techiques. There are three full 10-inch blocks and four triangles to create it. A 14-inch square of batting cut diagonally twice creates the fill-in triangles of batting. So it can be done with scraps of batting. It would also make a nice present in a hurry.
On another note, I planted moon flower this year for the first time and I REALLY love them. They look really interesting before they bloom, like a unicorn horn.

They also have a very lovely scent.
I will be replanting them every year!
They also bloom all day on rainy days.
Because I also decided that I needed to do some easy piecing, I picked another of Mom's UFO and started sewing.
The project was a log cabin baby quilt with 12 centers created with one round of fabric, light and dark, about 4.5 inches square.
All of the blue strips in various different patterns were cut, width of fabric and all of the light colored fabric (one kind) were also cut, width of fabric. So as I went, I cut them to size for the next round. Also lots of ironing.
Nice mindless work.
I ended up finishing all 12 blocks, then layered them and pin-basted them. Got two of the light halves of two blocks quilted with my walking foot. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to take any pictures this morning. Must do that tonight.