28 July 2017

New Project

Started a new project this week. I am working on Film At Five. I have a ton of 2.5 inch scrappy squares and this will be perfect for those.

I already wiped out most of my 2 inch squares when I made my 100-Patch quilt. I know, I know. Need to take a picture of the completed top.

I also have Growing up Odd in my sights for a quilt soon. But my 2 inch squares need to build up some first.

I have recently been working with miniature quilts for a challenge group but I am not allowed to post any photos anywhere on them. <POUT>

It feels really weird to be sewing 2.5 inch squares are the miniatures. They are huge compared to one-inch strips I was sewing. Well, they ARE huge in comparison. What I love about the miniatures is that they come together with very little fabric as they are so small and it is different seeing the quilt come together "in person" so to speak as opposed to on the computer.

I use EQ7   -- A LOT. But it is not the same as seeing it in fabric in front of your eyes. EQ7 is like a preview but it's not the same at all, really.

I'm having so much fun doing all the piecing on my Featherweight.

I was having a bunch of issues loading bobbins from my Superior cone thread. I have figured out a method that works now. I actually let the thread run through my pinched figures as it goes around the spindle, in the thread guide, and on to the rest of the mechanical process.

I still need to take a picture of my wood surround for it. I totally love it.

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